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When One Door Closes Another Opens

Elvina Coutinho • July 5, 2022

Change is possibility

On Friday the 1st of July 2022 I was informed that the location I work from was closing its doors permanently. I was shocked and disappointed to find out like this and not even be provided any notice period.

I was however, offered a potential space in another Club and while this is a distance from my last location I hope that the client base I have built will follow me and that I gain more business in the new area.

I will be moving from Croydon to the Ewell, Epsom area and hope that I can create a wonderful clinic in this area to serve the clients there. If you live in this area why not see how osteopathy can help you.

 Within Everlast Fitness Club, Banstead Road, Ewell, Epsom, KT17 3HG.

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