Someone will read an article claiming that women have different heart attack symptoms to men. NO THEY DON’T! It’s possible that the prevalence of some symptoms may be higher or lower among women, but that doesn’t help at all. The most common symptom is chest pain – usually quite central, but it can radiate to the arms (yes, both of them in some cases) and to the jaw. It can also be in the lower back. But it won’t be a pinpoint pain – it will feel a bit like nasty indigestion, or could be crushing, squeezing sensation
Someone having a heart attack might feel sick. They might be pale and clammy. They could be short of breath and extremely anxious as the body realises something is wrong.
If you think someone is having a heart attack, sit them down on the floor against a wall or a heavy object, knees bent, feet resting on the floor. This position puts the least amount of strain on the heart and also reduces the chance of falling should they become unconscious.
Call 999 straight away – this person needs advanced medical care! And here’s another important fact: many heart attacks are “silent”. That is, there are no obvious symptoms at all. So if you’re at all unsure, call an ambulance. And don’t ignore a possible heart attack just because it’s a woman!
Elvina’s Osteopathic Clinic,
Banstead Road,
Ewell, Epsom, Surrey,
KT17 3HG.
Mob: 07960 941461
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